Monday, April 11, 2011

Stiff at a new exercise or exercise?

Problems arise for a beginner in doing exercise is a sense of fatigue will be felt in our first weeks of practice. This happens for several reasons:
1. Tears occur in the smooth muscle fibers due to exercise. This damage will be restored automatically by our body using a body builder materials in the form of protein we consume.
2. A large accumulation of lactic acid in muscle results from the exercise. This lactic acid will be appointed by the blood slowly.
3. Because the first time to practice, our bodies do not have a protective protein. Along with increasing time, the protein will be formed around the cells of our body muscles so that we adapt and no longer feel pain when practicing.

4. If we feel mild pain during practice, segerahlah stop practicing and not be forced. Similarly, if we want to practice but we will train the muscles sore from the previous exercise, the muscle should not be trained first. We can replace it with another train or not train the muscles used for the day until our bodies recover. If there is a sharp pain, we need to be aware whether there is injury to the muscle or connective tissue of our bodies, especially if we make the wrong movement or lack of heating, immediately see a doctor if you feel pain in the joints or muscle tissue.
hopefully useful and keep SPIRIT ..!

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