Monday, April 11, 2011

the difference between women and men muscles

Women have the muscle density or number of muscle fibers are much less than men, but women are the same quality of muscle fibers with men. By undergoing training, hypertrophy (enlargement) of muscle in women not be equal to men. This is because the hormone levels of testosterone (anabolic hormone that plays a role in muscle development) in men 10 times greater than women.
Improving the quality and muscle strength in women remains. However, muscle hypertrophy that occurs is very small. Terrified women become great because of physical exercise is not justified, because in a normal woman can not be large like a man.
Input is how to strengthen bones and form a solid body? That is by doing exercise such as lifting heavy loads, but because in parkour are not using weights to exercise so undo the intention of lifting weights, which we use here is the term Body weight or exercise with a load ourselves, many studies have proven that training with weights very useful to prevent osteoporosis, increase muscle strength, and overall healthy body. When done correctly.

Strength training is prepared individually for 3 kinds of the intended results are:

1. Muscle tone (muscle activate)
2. FORMATION OF THE BODY (raising muscle and body shape)
3. STRENGTH TRAINING (to increase our power in a meaningful way)

Once again we can train in parkour our muscles with body weight, may be useful and keep SPIRIT ..!

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